Top 54 : Les meilleures Gifs de 2012

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généré à 10:54(actualiser)
1 Chill skater Obama 22 89 80%
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2 The best high-five in history 24 96 80%
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3 A corgi that understands the importance of “lie down” 34 88 72%
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4 This very startled cat 34 86 72%
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5 The two strangers who dared to get down with their bad selves 35 81 70%
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6 The man who fell for the ol’ “no glass in the door” trick 36 77 68%
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7 The mystery of the liquor store trap door 36 76 68%
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8 A slow loris very slowly eating a rice ball 39 81 68%
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9 The man who escaped from a monster by throwing this printer out the window 38 76 67%
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10 And this quiet afternoon between two friends 42 74 64%
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11 This dog politely introducing himself 48 78 62%
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12 Katy Perry and Rihanna getting a little closer as friends 46 73 61%
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13 “Single Ladies” Obama 50 79 61%
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14 This super-pumped bro 44 68 61%
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15 The kiss that rocked the world 46 70 60%
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16 The happiest little boy in the whole world 46 69 60%
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17 Look how i'm cute ! 47 68 59%
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18 The man who disintegrated his sunglasses 50 72 59%
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19 The cheetah that one-upped the photographer 47 67 59%
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20 The ultimate photobomb 51 71 58%
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21 These two tough guys 50 67 57%
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22 The hamster ball cyborg that will enslave us all 53 68 56%
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24 And this cat that understands the meaning of “heartbreak” 50 59 54%
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25 The dubstep cat that refused to stop raving 57 64 53%
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26 The secret cat trick to pretend like they meant to do something all along 55 61 53%
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27 And this very confused dog 63 58 48%
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28 And the always adorable Dalai Lama 61 55 47%
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29 This weird thing 57 49 46%
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30 Christian Bale’s visit with Kermit 65 54 45%
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31 The fat Spider-Man that refuses to stop dancing 64 52 45%
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32 The hypnotic process of pencil-making 68 55 45%
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33 And the beautiful machine that makes ice cream sandwiches 64 51 44%
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34 This girl’s smile 70 53 43%
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35 Brian Wilson singing “We Will Will Rock You” the only way he could 67 50 43%
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36 But of course the ultimate and final GIF star of the year was… 66 48 42%
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37 And Batman and Robin discovering the Pizza Hut cheeseburger pizza 66 46 41%
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39 Gary Oldman telling everyone how he really feels 71 45 39%
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40 The capybara that needed a good pet 68 42 38%
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41 The best day of Cookie Monster’s life 69 42 38%
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42 The polar bear who dances through the infinite void of space 74 44 37%
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43 Captain Picard kinda sorta saying hello, maybe 73 42 37%
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44 And the weirdest thing 77 43 36%
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45 And Lana Del Ray dancing in this microwave 79 44 36%
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46 And Nicolas Cage meeting Nicolas Cage 72 39 35%
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47 Yeah you will ._._._ 76 41 35%
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48 Tupac’s new status as Jedi master 84 41 33%
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49 Ted Danson dancin’ 84 40 32%
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50 This even weirder thing 86 39 31%
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51 Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s face 80 32 29%
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52 Little fat girl turn 89 33 27%
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53 And George Costanza thinking it’s pretty freaking great 92 32 26%
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54 And a very flustered Anderson Cooper 80 26 25%
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